London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The report examines how Olympic volunteer programmes can lead to post-Games volunteer legacies for host cities through engagement with the established volunteer infrastructure in host cities before, during and after the events. It provides recommendations on how to learn from the Sydney and London games to create a lasting volunteer legacy.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Workplace Challenge aimed to engage inactive employees to increase participation in sport and physical activity, and build the evidence base for the role of the workplace in promoting sports participation to improve health. The evaluation was conducted by the British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity, and aimed to learn about how the workplace can engage inactives and the...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Volunteers have always played a vital part in the sports and physical activity sector, and without them most community sport wouldn’t happen. The Government's strategy, Sporting Future, highlights the benefits of volunteering to the individual and the nation, and has encouraged Sport England to examine the experience of volunteering more closely.    Volunteers in sport enjoy many of the benefits associated with...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Workplace Challenge are urging employers to allow their employees more time and opportunity to take part in sport and physical activity during the working week. Evidence shows that a shift in culture could not only improve the wellbeing of the working population, but also save businesses across England an estimated £2.8 billion. The manifesto encourages employers to: - Examine the benefits...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report explores the idea that a business with a purpose beyond maximising its own self-interests can ensure long-term relevance with stakeholders, thus creating a more valued and sustainable organisation. All organisations, whether private, public or third sector, in the fitness sector have a fundamental obligation to inspire peope to live healthier and more active lives in a responsible, authentic...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This insight report aims to provide Port of London Authority with a concise summary of current activity and potential opportunities for sport and recreation along the Tidal Thames. London Sport have carried out this work in support of Port of London Authority’s 20 year aim to see greater participation in sport and recreation on and alongside the water as part of...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

A high proportion of the adult population in England do not participate in sufficient physical activity to benefit their health. The workplace setting is a setting in which there is potential to reach large numbers of adults with interventions to promote physical activity and improve health. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of Walking Works, a programme encouraging people to walk...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset presents London Sport data from June 2017. Data is broken down by: - Full data of clubworks clubs by borough- Summary data of number of clubworks clubs by borough

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) has revealed a new resource to support those who are new to sport or want to assist disabled people on how to get more active. Produced in partnership with County Sports Partnership Network, Disability Rights UK and Sport England, the resource is a guideline to where to start, where to find out more and...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

An in-depth nine-month research study conducted in partnership with Hull University has shown that being a member of ConnectedCoaches can make you a better coach.The purpose of the project was to investigate the benefit of deliberately designed and delivered learning, which included coaches’ engagement with ConnectedCoaches, on the development and subsequent behaviour and practice of coaches.The journeys of three coaches...