London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Transport Classification of Londoners (TCoL) is a multi-modal customer segmentation tool developed by TfL that has been designed to categorise Londoners on the basis of the travel choices they make, and the motivations for making those decisions. The desire to understand these behaviours and motivations is borne out of a need to plan effectively for London both now and...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Over 24 million people commute to work each day in England and Wales, the majority utlising passive methods such as cars, trains or buses. For many, the journey is synonymous with stress, frustration and anxiety. This report highlights the impact of passive commuting on health, including increased stress, higher blood pressure, higher BMI and reduced time for cooking, exercising and...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Investment in walking and cycling helps encourage more Londoners to travel in a greener and healthier way. It also brings significant benefits for the economy: Boosting the high street and local town centres Reducing absences and increasing productivity Attracting employees and businesses Keeping the city moving for business Wider...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

An active commute to work is linked to a lower rate of heart attacks according to a new study which the British Heart Foundation part-funded. In areas in England where walking or cycling to work were more common in 2011, the rates of heart attacks were lower for both men and women across the following two years. The researchers from the University...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Talented young athletes spend, on average, more than £7,000 a year on their sporting endeavours, new research shows. The figures come from a survey of SportsAid athletes and coincides with the charity’s major fundraising week. Information from the 650 respondents shows that investment from the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ has risen from £5,022 to £7,089 a year over the...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

East Surrey is the area of the UK with the greatest scope for growth in the provision of fitness and wellness services, according to new research from MINDBODY, a specialist business management software provider for the fitness sector. Other places offering strong potential for newcomers in 2019 are Croydon, Northamptonshire, Wyre Forest, Kensington, Harrow, Broxbourne, West Lindsey, Derby, and Glasgow. None...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report, commissioned by Manchester City Council and undertaken by ECOTEC Research and Consulting, is focussed on evaluating whether the Games Legacy Programme made a difference and asks two broad questions: What was the additionality of the Games Legacy Programme in terms of enhancing the legacy of the 2002 Commonwealth Games?  What are the critical success factors of a legacy programme that...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The social value of sport can be any way that sport and recreation can be used in order to help an individual improve their physical or mental health, their individual development - whether at school or as a vehicle for young people to develop skills to help them get a job. Or as a way of helping people from disadvantaged...

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

After extensive consultation with and beyond the network, Andy Reed released his response to the questions posed by government on the future role of CSPs. Key points include: - There is a clear role for a network of local partnerships in the new strategies and CSPs can be at the heart of the new structures; - Sport England recognises the value in...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

EFDS commissioned ComRes to produce this research report to look at how disability sport and physical activity is currently portrayed in the media. In addition to media monitoring (for 8 weeks over May and June 2016), ComRes also conducted interviews and online research with disabled and non-disabled adults and journalists.  All groups interviewed believe that current media coverage of sport...