London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In 2013 sports coach UK undertook a research project, led by Leeds Beckett University, to understand more about disabled people's experiences of being coached. From this research sports coach UK created guidance, based on what disabled people have experienced and what they feel is needed from a coach to create a positive sporting experience. This infomation provides key points of...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In coaching terms, an 'inclusive coach' has the ability to positively and effectively coach a group of athletes who may have very different needs. This is not specific to coaches working with disabled children, players and athletes good coaches will always be working inclusively because they want everyone in their session to improve. This guide will provide the basic tips...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

These factsheets serve to upskill coaches and sports developers and raise awareness around specific impairment groups. Participants should always be treated as individuals and not defined by their impairment. This information provides a highly generic level of information and should be used as a reference point only. When coaching a disabled person speak to them about their abilities and aspirations in your sport, never assume.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The seven downloads provide useful information on insight, marketing and workforce. It also outlines how to better target supporters, disabled children and young people and older people.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This is the second Active Lives Adult Report summarising activity levels in England from May 2016 to May 2017. Once again, the national picture of engagement in sport and physical activity is included, along with specific demographic data and, for those that want to look a little deeper, links to the origina data tables. There's an important addition to this report, as...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The following report aims to provide a picture of the current workforce behind delivery of physical activity and sport in London.  It is based on data collected by London Sport between September and December 2016. The survey was aligned to the work undertaken by Sports Coach UK for the 2015 Coaching Statistics and Analysis report to allow a national comparison....

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

A high proportion of adults in England are insufficiently active. The workplace is an important setting for promoting phsyical activity with potential to reach a high proportion of adults in emplotment (74.8%). The 'Workplace Challenge' aims to increase sport and physical activity participation in inactive employees. It is a multi-component programme based around a website/app where employees can track their...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

UKactive has released a report calling for innovative solutions for keeping older adults active and independent to prevent disease and save money for the NHS and social care. Looking at ageing in residential care, at home and in the community, the report notes the effects of ageing and loss of fitness are often conflated, placing older adults at greater risk of...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

UK Coaching commissioned YouGov to survey 20,000 adults and 1,000 children in 2017. The primary aim of the survey was to explore the experience of receiving coaching and the experience of being a coach. The survey incorporated a broader definition of coaching, to include anyone involved in or receiving coaching across the whole sport and physical activity sector. Three statistical...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

There is a gap in knowledge around disabled people’s level and experience of volunteering generally, and specifically in sport. This research has been designed to compare and contrast disabled and non-disabled people’s experiences. It aims to help understand the barriers preventing disabled people from volunteering and how to help providers overcome these to make their opportunities more appealing, especially in sport.