London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This document details marketing strategies that help encourage women and girls to be involved in sport. It covers a number of methods of getting more people engaged, and is based on practical techniques from: - Commercial Marketing - Social Marketing - Make Sport Fun's sports and activity marketing campaigns - Global sport and activity marketing campaigns   The document helps the reader to plan marketing campaigns...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Government’s new strategy for an active nation, ‘Sporting Future’ published in December 2015, recognised the contribution the School Games has already made but signalled that the time was right to review the future priorities of the Games. After wide consultation, this summary sets out the 17 recommendations made to Government and is endorsed by all of the national partners....

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This document provides relevant and evidence-based statistics to better equip physical activity and health professionals to make the case for using physical activity to improve quality of life across the population. It explains the health and social benefits of physical activity, summarising evidence that can be used to convince commissioners, policy makers, partners and funding bodies to support physical activity...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report reviews the evidence base on the social impacts of sport and culture, focusing on improved health, reduced crime, increased social capital and improved education outcomes. Key findings for sport include: - Sport prevents or reduces physical and mental health problems, subsequently saving on health care costs, and these benefits are particularly important for older people - Sport improves pro-social behaviour...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This 'Habit for Life' research was undertaken to examine the extent of any link between secondary school age experiences and attitudes to sport and later life participation. It aims to provide quantifiable evidence of the conditions at secondary school age which are more likely to lead to continued sporting participation. Key findings include: - Personal interest or emotional engagement is the...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report discusses how and why boxing is so successful in helping to combat anti-social behavioural problems in young people from deprived communities. It identifies five common themes of which the report is centred around: - True Grit: A Credible Sport to Tackle Gritty Social Problems - The Demands of Boxing: Inherent Values and Skills - Leaving It All in the Ring: Re-channeling...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This briefing is designed to give practitioners and managers of early years settings practical ideas for promoting physical activity with under fives. The recommendations are based on research evidence and recognise that early years practitioners, as well as parents and carers, can strongly influence the physical activity opportunities available to young children. The recommendations are presented in three sections: 1. Planning...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

It can be challenging to engage with diverse communities with a range of needs. As such, this guide supports organisers of community sport to communicate and engage more effectively with audiences that include disabled people. It contains hints and suggestions on how to motivate disabled people and reassure them that their needs will be met. However, it is important to...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Sporting Future set out a new government vision to redefine what success looks like in sport by concentrating on five key outcomes - physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, individual development, social and community development and economic development. This first annual report sets out the progress towards making sure everyone can benefit from the power of sport. It sets out progress in...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This guide has been written for people with a disability or health condition and those who work or engage with them. It takes a question and answer approach, allowing the reader to find information that aligns with their interests or objectives. It highlights how far access to sport, exercise and fitness has improved and how to enjoy it. The document...