The Government’s new strategy for an active nation, ‘Sporting Future’ published in December 2015, recognised the contribution the School Games has already made but signalled that the time was right to review the future priorities of the Games. After wide consultation, this summary sets out the 17 recommendations made to Government and is endorsed by all of the national partners. Key points include:

• Overall the review concluded that the School Games is well placed to make a strong contribution to delivering the ambitions of Sport England’s new strategy;

• The School Games should ensure better utilisation of digital technology and social media; 

• Sport England and the Youth Sport Trust will clarify and set expectations for competition calendars (for example, the number of sports, the number of leagues and so on). The new expectations will come into force from September 2017;

• Each Local Organising Committee for the Level 3 (county level) games should deliver aspirational events which include an exhibition/fair promoting local community sports clubs and activities to improve transition between school and community sports settings; 

• The School Games Mark will evolve to include criteria which rewards schools for involving their pupils in planning and delivering the competition offer and supporting exit routes for their pupils into community activities; 

• High level KPIs will be established for SGOs, reported on, published and used as part of their performance management. This should be embedded as an award condition;

• The cost of the finals event needs to be reduced;

• Non -Olympic and Paralympic sports should potentially be able to take part in the national finals;

• Other UK school championships or finals could be badged as part of a School Games national finals family of events. 

Last Update
4 years ago  
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