It can be challenging to engage with diverse communities with a range of needs. As such, this guide supports organisers of community sport to communicate and engage more effectively with audiences that include disabled people. It contains hints and suggestions on how to motivate disabled people and reassure them that their needs will be met. However, it is important to remember that everybody is different and no single approach will work for everyone. The report outlines 10 principles that providers can follow:

1. My channels - use communication channels that are already trusted.

2. My locality - travel is a significant barrier, opportunities close to home are preferred. 

3. Me, not my impairment - advertising that focuses on disability is off putting.

4. My values - understanding and linking to individual values can make taking part more appealing.

5. My life story - maintain interest with new ideas.

6. Reassure me - to alleviate fear of standing out reassure that activity will be welcoming and suitable. 

7. Include me - ensure varying ability levels all feel included.

8. Listen to me - make time to discuss needs in a safe and private environment before starting an activity.

9. Welcome me - ensure the first session is enjoyable to increase likeliness of returning.

10. Show me - engage involved disabled people to promote the activity to others. 

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4 years ago  
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