This 'Habit for Life' research was undertaken to examine the extent of any link between secondary school age experiences and attitudes to sport and later life participation. It aims to provide quantifiable evidence of the conditions at secondary school age which are more likely to lead to continued sporting participation. Key findings include:

- Personal interest or emotional engagement is the most important driver, but family and health messages should not be underestimated.

- Current regular participants have built a strong attachment to sport from secondary school age and feel that sport defines them.

- Influence of teachers/coaches and having opportunities outside of school PE may play an important role, but not as strong as personal interest. 

- Support networks that build and reinforce an emotional connection with sport and make young people feel that 'sport is for them' are important. 

- A passion for sport in general is more important than a passion for a specific sport. 

Last Update
4 years ago  
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