London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS10Q2 (2015/16). Data is broken down by:   - Participation rate by ethnic group at least once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS 10Q2(2015/16). Data is broken down by:   - Total participation rate at least once a week for a minimum 30 minutes  - Total participation rate at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes -  Male participation rate a least once a week for a...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

A new NICE quality standard has been issued for mental health and independence in older adults, detailing interventions to improve and maintain mental wellbeing and how to identify those at risk of a decline. The quality standard has three statements.  1. Older people who are at risk of a decline in their independence and mental wellbeing are identified by service providers. 2....

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

England's CMO has published a report on the health of adults aged 50-70. In 2014, 8% of England's population were over 75, and by 2039 this will rise to 13.1%. This generation has several opportunities for health improvement, in areas such as physical activity, tobacco consumption and obesity. This report presents an overview of the lifestyles of the 'baby boomer'...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet drawn together from a variety of sources for England. Topics covered in the report include: - Trends in obesity and being overweight among different groups of the population - Physical fitness levels and sedentary behaviour - Trends in purchases and expenditure on food and drink, including fruit and vegetable...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

The 2012 Get Healthy, Get Active initiative funded projects to look into whether sport and physical activity projects can be designed to tackle inactivity, improve public health, reduce health inequalities and manage and prevent long term health conditions. Taking insights from this work, Sport England have developed a set of ten key principles for projects developed to tackle inactivity. These...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Macmillan has produced a report on understanding the motivations and barriers to physical activity in people living with cancer. Key findings include: - Some motivators and barriers are similar to the general population but take on a greater meaning following a cancer diagnosis, eg, increasing quality of life, proving they can stay fit and healthy or a lack of confidence and...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Grassroots sport and recreation plays a huge role in the lives of millions of people across the UK, providing a diverse mix of opportunities for people of all backgrounds and ability, and for some, the foundation of a career at elite level. It also has a large social impact by helping people to lead healthier lives, develop skills for employment...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Latest findings from the National Child Measurement Programme have found that levels of overweight and obese Year 6 children are at their highest since records began. Since 2006/07 the NCMP has annually measured the height and weight of over 1 million reception (aged 4-5) and Year 6 (aged 10-11) children, to provide robust data on rates of childhood obesity. BMI...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Public Health England has published a menu of public health interventions to improve people’s health, support quality improvement and save money. Preventative health interventions are included from across the public health sector including alcohol, tobacco, diet, diabetes, falls and physical inactivity.   Interventions for physical activity described in further detail are the delivery of effective advice on physical activity in clinical care...