The 2012 Get Healthy, Get Active initiative funded projects to look into whether sport and physical activity projects can be designed to tackle inactivity, improve public health, reduce health inequalities and manage and prevent long term health conditions. Taking insights from this work, Sport England have developed a set of ten key principles for projects developed to tackle inactivity. These are:

1. Understand the complex nature of inactivity.

2. Use behaviour change theories.

3. Use audience insight - understand the audience needs and wants is crucial to developing a project that people want to engage with.

4. Reframe the message by understanding the benefits people are looking for, eg, a healthy way to spend time with the family, a good way to meet friends or new people, fun way to de-stress.

5. Work in quality partnerships.

6. Make sport and activity the norm.

7. Design the offer to suit the audience - don’t expect inactive people to fit in with current sport and activity delivery. We need to change our offers to suit their needs and wants.

8. Provide support for behaviour change - make sure your participants are appropriately supported along the way by training coaches/volunteers, buddy systems, incorporating social elements and celebrating people’s achievements.

9. Measure behaviour change and impact by using established tools such as the Standard Evaluation Framework for Physical Activity.

10. Scale up what works and make it sustainable.

Last Update
8 years ago  