Macmillan has produced a report on understanding the motivations and barriers to physical activity in people living with cancer. Key findings include:

- Some motivators and barriers are similar to the general population but take on a greater meaning following a cancer diagnosis, eg, increasing quality of life, proving they can stay fit and healthy or a lack of confidence and motivation. 

- There are various drivers for being active. If an individual is motivated, confident, focused on positive achievements and regaining control and has a social network, they are more likely to find ways to become active. Conversely, if they are not motivated, confident or suffering from anxiety or depression and have no social network they are unlikely to become active.

- People with cancer need to know that it’s safe be active and such messages should be delivered by trusted healthcare professionals. 

- People are motivated to be active with their friends and family and want it to be part of their time with family. 

- Physical activity post-diagnosis tends to reflect pre-diagnosis levels. 

Last Update
8 years ago  