London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Although physical activity provides many physical, social and mental health benefits for older adults, they are the least physically active age  group. Ecological models highlight the importance of the physical environment in promoting physical activity. The current study aimed to provide a systematic review of qualitative studies exploring the potential impact of the physical environment in older adults' activity behaviours....

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This report examines physical activity levels in children in England in 2015. It compares different population groups, by age, sex, income and region. Key findings include: - Excluding school based activities, 22% of children aged between 5 and 15 met the physical activity guidelines of being moderately active for 60 minutes per day. This is an increase from 2012. - The proportion...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This report summarises aggregated data on key health issues from 2014 to 2015 for people who were recorded by their GP as having a learning disability, and comparative data about a control group who were recorded as not having a learning disability. It identifies potential differences in the treatment, health status and outcomes of people with learning disabilities compared with...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This resource discusses how to plan, deliver and evaluate evidence-based physical activity programmes. It highlights recommendations for commisioners, providers and practitioners involved in the evaluation of physical activity programmes. Recommendations include: - Integrate evaluation into programme planning and delivery from the start - Select and measure relevant outcomes - Evaluate cost effectiveness or return on investment

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a framework for measuring value that changes the way we communicate the impact of our work. By working closely with stakeholders, SROI identifies and values social, environmental and economic outcomes, providing clear understanding of the value, or social value, created.    This report presents an evaluative SROI analysis, based on primary research conducted over two years,...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Walking for the daily commute is a strategy for increasing physical activity. Understanding the environmental preferences that encourage commuter walking will help effective interventions to be identified and developed. This study aims to examine the associations of perceptions of the environment in the workplace neighbourhood and commuter walking.    It was observed that creating 'pedestrian friendly' environments in workplace surroundings may be...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Inactivity is responsible for 1 in 6 deaths, alongside wider health, social and economic costs for individuals, families and communities in England. However, it is less clear 'what works' to tackle inactivity, especially interventions that can be implemented with pace and scale. This report attempts to understand 'what works' for roll out across the country and identify issues with measurement and evaluation of interventions.

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

The Department of Transport has released the latest statistics on travel habits in the UK, revealing that 22% of all trips in the UK were made by walking in 2015. However, walking and cycling trips have declined since 1995/97. Key findings include: - The average distance a person walked in 2015 was 185 miles - equivalent of the distance from London...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/06) through to APS10Q2 (2015/16). Data is broken down by:   - Total participation rate by age

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS 10Q2 (2015/16). Data is broken down by:   - Participation by social grade groupings (NS-SEC 1-4/NS-SEC 5-8) at least once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes