London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This study, by the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, looked at the difference taking regular walks makes to patients with various types of cancers in advanced stages. Despite walking being proved to boost physical and emotional wellbeing, a significant decrease in physical activity of individuals undergoing cancer treatment was observed, as individuals lacked motivation to travel to supervised...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

A strong focus on prevention, early intervention and behavioural change is necessary to stem the growing financial and societal costs associated with the increase in lifestyle-related chronic conditions. It is critical that we adopt a preventative strategy in order to ensure that the NHS remains free at the point of use for future generations. The evidence for the effectiveness of...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This report considers the role that physical activity can play in enhancing our psychological wellbeing and mental health. It makes the case that physical activity does not need to be a chore, but can instead be something we do to enhance wellbeing, and an activity that we see as fun and look forward to. The primary aim of the report...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This report presents an overview of the health and wellbeing of children in the UK. It finds that children living in the most deprived areas are more likely to be in poor health, be overweight or obese, suffer from asthma, have poorly managed diabetes, experience mental health problems and die early. Key actions identified for UK government to improve children's...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This statistical release is part of a series of surveys measuring people's attitudes towards transport since 1996. This report covers attitudes in 2015, except where charts show a series of years. The findings suggest that 64% of people think it is too dangerous to cycle. Furthermore, women, non-cyclists and older age groups showed higher levels of concern over roads being...

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London Sport
Added 8 years ago

An important part of Sport England's new approach is to build work around individuals, which means an increased need for understanding what people do and what they enjoy. The Active Lives survey provides reliable insight into the physical activity habits of the nation. It is broader than the previous Active People Survey, and includes walking, cycling for travel and dance...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This factsheet uses data from the National Travel Survey (NTS) to look at the travel behaviours of users of various modes of transport, including cars, bicycles, trains and buses. It looks in greater detail at the behaviour of users of different modes of transport by showing only averages of users who report using a particular mode, rather than the average...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This report presents an analysis of the association between culture, sport and measures of subjective wellbeing, looking at the perceived benefits for the individual using wellbeing valuation. It aims to identify the impacts of culture and sport engagement on individuals' wellbeing and estimate monetary values for those wellbeing impacts using the Wellbeing Valuation approach. The key findings are: Arts engagement is...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Participation in sport declines with age, and by 2020 almost half of the UK population will be over 50 years old. As part of a wider programme of research into understanding participation, Sport England has completed some research among retired people to better understand reasons for levels of participation. The research involved 21 focus groups among those who had recently...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

Physical activity in older people is important in the prevention of disease, maintenance of independence and improvement of quality of life. This literature search comprises of results from 53 papers, of which the percentage of older adults meeting recommended physical activity ranges from 2.4 - 83.0%. Furthermore, the definitions of recommended activity levels differed, as did approaches to measurement. It...