London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Promoting walking for the work commute is a potential strategy for increasing physical activity. Understanding the factors influencing commuter walking is important for identifying target groups and designing effective interventions. This study examined individual, employment-related and psychosocial factors associated with commuter walking, and how this impacts the future design of interventions. It was observed that factors such as not owning a...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

London Sport piloted sitting netball, a seated version of netball delivered by physical activity co-ordinators in care homes. The programme aimed to increase activity levels of care home residents, resulting in improved cognitive function, increased physical wellbeing and improved mental wellbeing. Key findings were:- 70% of activity co-ordinators saw a very or quite large positive change in their residents- 66%...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

A new tool funded by the Department for Transport shows that nearly one in five people based in England would cycle to work if cycling was given more investment. This is based on a scenario where English people were as likely as the Dutch to cycle trips of similar length and distance. The cycling potential tool projects the levels of cycling...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

These profiles draw together information to present a picture of child health and wellbeing. They are a valuable tool for local government and health services in helping them to understand their communities needs, so that they can work to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people and reduce health inequalities. Each local authority has a four page profile,...

London Sport
Updated 7 years ago

Musculoskeletal conditions affect over 10 million people nationally and are the main reasons for sickness and absense in the UK, with 324 million working days lost. This report summarises the evidence on the benefits of physical activity for people living with musculoskeletal conditions, introduces the musculoskeletal physical activity commissioning pyramid, supports the mapping of local physical activity provision and provides...

London Sport
Updated 7 years ago

This study found that current moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and involvement in team sports were significantly negatively related to depressive symptoms during young adulthood. This study highlighted the need to differentiate between different types of physical activity. In this case, team sports were explored given that they can offer young adults opportunities to receive social support and interact with adult role...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

This study explores whether the male and female depression symptom profile varies by levels of physical activity. Results were in favour of physical activity. Among those with major depression, active men were less likely to endorse the presence of insomnia, fatigue, and suicidality compared with inactive men. Active women were less likely to endorse hypersomnia, excessive/irrational guilt, vacillating thoughts, indecisiveness...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

In line with University Mental Health Day 2017, BUCS published a University Sport & Mental Health resource in order to increase knowledge of student mental health, develop understanding of how sport programmes can help and share best practice between universities. Created with Student Minds, the resource details the serious need for more interventions. With 1 in 4 experiencing a mental...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Physical activity lowers risk of heart disease, stroke and most cancers. Furthermore, it can prevent and treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and depression, and improves cognitive function and memory. Encouraging and providing physical activity opportunities for older disabled populations has considerable benefits, including better health, improved quality of life, independence and wellbeing,...

London Sport
Added 8 years ago

This booklet explains why being active is important for our physical and mental health. Benefits include a reduced risk of disease, better adaptation to stress, an increase in energy, improved sleep, reduced anxiety, increased self esteem and reduced risk of depression. The guide discusses which sport or activity might be most suited to the individual, how to overcome common barriers, potential...