London Sport
Added 7 years ago

The Strategic Cycling Analysis presenets what the latest datasets, forecasts and models show about potential corridors and locations where current and future cycling demand could justify future investment. It also identifies where demand for cycling, walking and public transport coincide, thus highlighting where investment is most needed to improve all sustainable transport modes together. It considers four broad areas of...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

"This document helps healthcare professionals and the wider sector to record and measure their public health impact. It is recommended that: - Healthcare professionals start to record and measure the impact of brief interventions - Health Education England, employers and professional bodies should invest in training for HCPs in brief interventions - Individual healthcare professionals increase the number of public health priorities that...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

"Swim England has released a new report detailing the health benefits of swimming for individuals, communities and population health. Swimming regularly has considerable health and wellbeing benefits in comparison to people who do not engage in swimming. Key findings include: - Water-based activity has specific advantages over land-based exercise alone. - Swimming regularly is associated with a 28% reduced risk of all-cause...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

The Standard Evaluation Framework for physical activity interventions provides information on the type of data that should be collected when undertaking a thorough assessment of physical activity programmes that promote individual or group level change. The document explains the difference between 'essential' and 'desirable' data types, as well as how to identify appropriate physical activity outcomes, recognise suitable measures for...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Many people choose to volunteer in sport, and all sports clubs rely heavily on their volunteers to run. However, there is a large imbalance of female to male volunteers within the sports sector; with men being twice as likely to volunteer in sport than women. This research focuses on gender discrimination within sports volunteering and sets out best practice solutions to counter this disparity.

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

The Transport and Physical Activity Questionnaire (TPAQ) has been developed to measure changes in transport behaviour and physical activity. The question set asks people about their modes of travel and leisure time activity, some of which is based on the existing International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Following development of the tool, an assessment of its validity and reliability was conducted....

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Love to Move is specifically designed to get older people moving and functioning better. The programme achieves this by carefully integrating the use of gymnastic foundation skills, cognitive stimulation therapy and social interaction activities. Almost every part of Love to Move is based on bilaterally asymmetrical movement patterns. This is understood to benefit older people and those with dementia and...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation, NatCen conducted a survey amongst its panel members in England, Scotland and Wales. This aimed to understand the prevalence of self-reported mental health problems, levels of positive and negative mental health in the population, and the actions people take to deal with stressors. Key findings include: - Only 13% of people report living with...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Public Health England has released trend data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) at small area level, middle super output areas, electoral wards, clinical commissioning groups and local authorities in England. The NCMP monitors excess weight and obesity in children to inform planning and delivery of services for children, ensure the proper targeting of resources to tackle obesity and...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Following a public consultation, the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy:- Outlines the government's ambition to make cycling and walking a natural choice for shorter journeys or a part of longer journeys by 2040.- Sets out short term objectives, aims and targets.- Details financial resources available.- Includes a number of indicators to monitor performance.- Sets out the governance arrangements that will...