London Sport
Added 7 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS 10 (2015/16). Data is broken down by:  - Participation by social grade groupings (NS-SEC 1-4/NS-SEC 5-8) at least once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS10 (2015/16). Data is broken down by:  - Participation rate by ethnic group at least once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS 10(2015/16). Data is broken down by:  - Total participation rate at least once a week for a minimum 30 minutes - Total participation rate at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes-  Male participation rate a least once a week for...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

The National Travel Survey is a household survey of personal travel by English residents travelling within Great Britain. Data was collected via interviews and a one week travel diary. It describes patterns, for example how different groups of people travel, and monitors trends in travel as well as assessing the potential equality impacts of transport policies on different groups and...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Public Health England's 'Public Health Profiles' provide an overview of the health of each local authority in England. These are used by local government and health services to make decisions and plans to improve the health of their people and reduce health inequalities. The profiles can be compared to the national average and can be used to reveal trends using the health indicators displayed.

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

This report provides findings from an evidence review examining the links between health and the built and natural environments. It is designed to help inform policy and support local action. The review concentrates on the following 5 built environment topics:- Neighbourhood design- Housing- Access to healthier food - Natural and sustainable environment- Transport

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

This article brings together information about aspects of health-related lifestyles and the broader economic and social circumstances of people living in areas with the highest and lowest healthy life expectancy (HLE) at birth. The following data was explored: - Employment and economic activity - Disability and health conditions - Educational attainment and other aspects of socioeconomic position - Smoking prevalence...

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Wheels for Wellbeing has published the results of a national survey into the experiences of disabled cyclists. The survey gathered insight into the views and experiences of disabled cyclists in order to better understand their issues and concerns, with 221 individuals taking part from around the UK. The results challenge some widely held assumptions about disabled people and cycling, whilst...

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London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Changing behaviour is crucial in helping inactive people become active, and as such, has been at the heart of the Sport England Get Healthy Get Active projects. This guide provides information to support partners to use behaviour change theories, giving an overview of the behaviour change techniques that are employed by the Get Healthy Get Active projects to good effect....

London Sport
Added 7 years ago

Globally, more children are becoming overweight or obese. Consequently they are more likely to suffer from health problems, both as children and into adulthood. More information is needed to understand what works best for treating this problem, and these reports addresses the effectiveness of diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions in reducing the weight of overweight or obese children aged...