London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Girlguiding has been tracking girls’ and young women’s views through our Girls’ Attitudes Survey for over a decade, building a clear picture of what it’s like growing up as a girl in the UK today. It shows that they face a specific combination of pressures and experiences – many borne out of underlying gender inequalities – that can affect their mental health...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

It is crucial, as opportunities to be active increase, that we focus on inclusion. Counting for one in five of our population, disabled people including those with long-term health conditions, are a significant audience to engage. But as the least active group in society, the health and well-being benefits of activity are particularly important. Despite disabled people facing additional barriers in accessing...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

There is clear evidence that COVID-19 does not affect all population groups equally. Many analyses have shown that older age, ethnicity, male sex and geographical area, for example, are associated with the risk of getting the infection, experiencing more severe symptoms and higher rates of death. This work has been commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer for England to understand the extent that ethnicity impacts upon...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The Chance to Shine Secondary School Girls Programme is a new initiative funding cricket coaching and leadership development for girls aged 11-16. The programme aims to help them build and sustain a positive relationship with sport and physical activity through cricket and to develop key employability and leadership skills  This report assesses the success and impact of the programme on school age girls. Findings provide support for the positive social, mental and...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

As well as the everyday challenges that come with a pandemic, social distancing and self-isolation, the Coronavirus emergency has also given rise to important adult safeguarding considerations. Some people, particularly those that have care and support needs, are socially isolated, or live in residential/supported living environments, attending their local sports club/group and socialising with other members may be the only social outlet they have.  Safeguarding...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This is a descriptive review of data on disparities in the risk and outcomes from COVID19. This review presents findings based on surveillance data available to PHE at the time of its publication, including through linkage to broader health data sets. It confirms that the impact of COVID-19 has replicated existing health inequalities and, in some cases, has increased them.  The...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The Youth Violence Commission Final Report is the culmination of four years of work by commissioners, academic advisers and sector experts.   Based on a compelling social and economic case for action, the Commission’s main findings and recommendations are designed to help better understand and reduce the shocking levels of serious violence that saturate many young people’s lives, while also seeking to prevent the traumatic experiences that drain away too...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This report highlights that the British public are in full support of making changes to our streets to reallocate priority away from motoring and toward walking and cycling. Research conducted by YouGov shows that 6.5 people support changes to their local streets for every 1 person who doesn’t. The results are a clear indicator that there is overwhelming support across the country to bring about lasting changes to transport infrastructure...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This Youth Sport Trust report summarises key evidence relating to the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people. With an ever-changing landscape, limited ability to hear directly from children and with a narrow window for data capture, this document is “of the moment”, condensing the latest quantitative evidence from a range of external sources. Additionally, it references qualitative and low-sample research, aiming...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The Young Minds survey, investigating the mental health impact of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, highlights that many young people are under increasing pressure and struggling to get the right support. Almost every young person has had to adjust to dramatic changes in their education or employment, routine and home life. Some have experienced bereavement or other traumatic experiences during the lockdown period, while groups who were already marginalised or disadvantaged are...