London Sport
Added 4 years ago

As lockdown restrictions ease, Access Sport looked to find out how participants and families, as well as clubs, coaches, and volunteers were feeling about resuming activities and being active again in their community.   This report details key themes and challenges from the point of view of participants, families, club and volunteers.   We also showcase some innovative examples of how organisations have adapted, with practical...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

In June 2019, the Mayor published the headline findings from the Survey of Londoners, a major new social survey covering topics including Londoners’ relationships and participation in society, their experience of the economy and their demographic characteristics.   This report builds on that previous work with findings of in-depth research to understand the drivers of three important social integration outcomes:  Belonging...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Travel in London is TfL’s annual publication that summarises trends and developments relating to travel and transport in London. Its principal function is to describe how travel is changing and to provide an interpretative overview of progress towards implementing the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, to inform future policy development. It also provides an evidence and analysis base for the general use of stakeholders and policymakers...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This report presents information on obesity, physical activity and diet drawn together from a variety of sources for England. Each section provides an overview of key findings, as well as providing links to relevant documents and sources. The report includes information on:  Obesity related hospital admissions, including obesity related bariatric surgery.  Obesity prevalence.  Physical activity levels.  Walking and cycling rates.  Prescriptions items for the treatment of...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Schools play an important role in young people’s lives, and it is important that they are supported to provide high quality, modern PE lessons that engage young people as well as opportunities for them to be active throughout the school day. The government has three overarching ambitions for this plan:   1. All children and young people take part in at least...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Cerebral Palsy Sport’s aim is to raise aspirations, promote inclusion and support people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities to play, participate and enjoy sport and active recreation. The ‘Its Ok to Play Project’ seeks to make it easier for people with Cerebral Palsy and associated physical impairments to access sport and activities, as their siblings and peers do, in...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This report focuses on the transport available to young people and how its functioning can shape the long-term health of young people today. The data shows that young people are making less trips than they did 20 years ago and see cost as a major barrier. Transport plays an increasingly crucial role in connecting young people to opportunities and important...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The objective of this guidance is to help make cycling attractive and accessible to everyone. Cycling can help people access the things they need: work, education, food, health services and recreation. Cycling can benefit physical and mental wellbeing and help reduce social and economic inequity. However, many people are currently excluded from cycling. Despite a large appetite from different demographic...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Using a wide range of trusted relationships and various partners around the country, Sport England engaged, and had meaningful conversations, with people about the current coronavirus situation. The report identifies themes and explores the details which lay underneath them. Stories, case studies and anecdotes exemplify the themes discovered, identifying the real and valuable thoughts of those being affected by the virus.  This report seeks to amplify...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The Healthy Streets Scorecard ranks London Boroughs on how healthy their streets are according to nine indicators (four ‘outcome’ and five ‘input’ indicators). By combining the indicator scores, each borough is given a final Healthy Streets score.  When comparing the current data to that of 2019 (reflecting changes during the year up to March 2020, and before boroughs started to put in place...