The Healthy Streets Scorecard ranks London Boroughs on how healthy their streets are according to nine indicators (four ‘outcome’ and five ‘input’ indicators). By combining the indicator scores, each borough is given a final Healthy Streets score. 

When comparing the current data to that of 2019 (reflecting changes during the year up to March 2020, and before boroughs started to put in place emergency measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic), the changes experienced in London are minimal: 

  • Only 1% increase in share of journeys made by ‘sustainable mode of transport’ i.e. public transport, walking and cycling. 
  • No discernible overall change in the number of people walking or cycling regularly 
  • Only 268 fewer cars in London compared to the target of 250,000 fewer by 2041 (or 12,500 each year for 20 years). 

Results shed light on the disparities between boroughs and how more must be done to eradicate these geographical differences. Inner London boroughs including Camden, Hackney and Islington score well, with provision in place to improve sustainable travel conditions. Outer London boroughs, however, score less well, with Havering, Hillingdon recording the lowest scores. 

Last Update
4 years ago  
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