As well as the everyday challenges that come with a pandemic, social distancing and self-isolation, the Coronavirus emergency has also given rise to important adult safeguarding considerations. Some people, particularly those that have care and support needs, are socially isolated, or live in residential/supported living environments, attending their local sports club/group and socialising with other members may be the only social outlet they have. 

Safeguarding leads, friends, coaches and volunteers within sports clubs and delivery organisations may also have concerns about their more vulnerable members. They may be considering different ways to keep in touch and ensure people are safe and well during this difficult time. 

This report offers 8 'things to think about’ for those seeking advice and support in regard to future adult safeguarding. These include: Reviewing safeguarding arrangements, maintaining responsibilities, creating contingency plans for welfare officers, advice for virtual sessions and online safety, and ensuring those who can continue to stay in touch with members, staff or volunteers that will benefit from support during the challenging times. 

Last Update
4 years ago  
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