It is crucial, as opportunities to be active increase, that we focus on inclusion. Counting for one in five of our population, disabled people including those with long-term health conditions, are a significant audience to engage. But as the least active group in society, the health and well-being benefits of activity are particularly important. Despite disabled people facing additional barriers in accessing sport and physical activity, we know many want to be more active. 

Activity Alliance has worked with their members and partners to identify ways to make sure that disabled people can be included as activities and venues start to reopen. They encourage community sport and leisure providers to use this guidance to enable welcoming, and more accessible activity environments. Inequalities in participation levels have widened during the Covid-19 period and the Activity Alliance are determined that this is not compounded by a failure to place inclusion at the heart of England’s ‘return to play’ preparations 

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4 years ago  
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