London Sport
Added a year ago

This report by Muslim Sport Association highlights their successes and impacts from 2022, through the funding they have received and invested into their charity, which aims to engage ethnically diverse females through the power of sport and physical activity. Throughout the report they share a summary of how they developed and supported programmes in response to the pandemic; how they...

London Sport
Added a year ago

This report supported by the Mayor of London was produced to build on the existing methods to value the health benefits of exercise in green space by extending them to cover the benefits of avoiding costs of social care. Through primary data from a survey, one to one interviews and desktop research, authors found that a broad range of additional...

London Sport
Added a year ago

This report by Sport England explores their current, collective understanding of how the cost of living impacts people's activity levels and shares some ideas on how to help people get, or remain, active at low or no cost. Through a qualitative online community consultation and various surveys, authors established 4 key actionable points for partners and organisations who work in...

London Sport
Added a year ago

The Cost of Living Crisis: The impact on grassroots community sport and recreation, published in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre and Sport:80, outlines the challenging situation facing clubs across the country this winter. With energy bills expected to almost double in the coming year, and clubs’ reserves already depleted from COVID-19, these additional costs are likely...

London Sport
Added a year ago

With the cost-of-living crisis continuing to rise in 2023, business owners are growing more anxious about their source of income. We are hearing more and more stories about people having to close down their businesses, including ones that are important for the community, such as florists and food shops (1). The consequences of this are not just devastating for the business...

London Sport
Added a year ago

In 2019, StreetGames secured a three-year funding award from the London Marathon Charitable Trust. The funding was used to provide a range of Doorstep Sport activities for young people living in low-income communities across Liverpool, Merthyr Tydfil, and Newcastle upon Tyne. The activities were provided by 15 community organisations within the StreetGames network and were designed to provide more opportunities...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

When women and girls feel unsafe, they are less likely to use, enjoy and benefit from parks, particularly when alone and after dark. This paper by the University of Leeds engages in a discussion about parks and play spaces and how they should be better designed and managed to be well-used, become sociable places that offer activities and facilities that...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by McKinsey & Company and The World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) reviews the trends presented in last year’s annual Sporting Goods Industry Report and assesses the industry and players performance of this year. They also evaluate more in-depth trends in light of recent developments. Based on these considerations, it highlights five key areas that could help...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by SportsTechx examines themes driving growth into the European Sport and technology sector and shares insights towards where it’s headed, specifically by looking into investments, deep dives linked to NFTs, and ecosystems. The paper provides innovative and market-based findings. Through different forms of data collection, they find that 2021 was a landmark year for SportsTech, crossing €1.8b in investment...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by the Office for National Statistics provides an analysis of associations between COVID-19, physical activity and eating behaviours from the Schools Infection Survey’s parent and pupil questionnaires. The report shares information on the effect the COVID-19 pandemic has had on levels of physical activity and its association with improved physical and mental health among children, young adults, and...