London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Enjoyment is the single biggest factor in motivating children to be active, new analysis from our Active Lives Children and Young People Survey has revealed. More than 130,000 children and young people were surveyed in the academic year 2017/18, with participation figures published in December. This new analysis has identified five key findings that give us further insight into the attitudes of...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The largest behaviour change study on physical activity - based on verified data - shows Vitality incentives combined with Apple Watch lead to significant and sustained increases in activity levels. Vitality is the largest science-based wellness program globally, with more than eight million members in 19 countries. It has been proven to help improve health outcomes and lower insurance costs. Vitality...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Nearly two thirds (63%) of teachers would support a ban on motor vehicles outside the school gates during school drop off and pick up times, new figures reveal. A YouGov poll carried out for Sustrans, surveyed 840 teaching professionals across the UK about their attitudes towards air pollution and the actions they think should be taken to improve air quality outside...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

With physical inactivity estimated to cost the NHS alone more than £1 billion a year, and wider costs to society around £7.4 billion, the need to get less active people active has never been greater. Recognising that the population of less active people is large but also diverse, London Sport has commissioned a major research segmentation, solely focusing on less...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This interactive guide provides practical advice, suggestions and tips from various organisations that work to encourage women and girls to participate in sport and physical activity. It will help the reader to attract women's attention and encourage them to attend sessions, make sessions appropriate to the target audience and keep women and girls coming back.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Report about huge disparities in participation of extra-curricular activities depending on children's social background: Children from the wealthiest backgrounds are 3 times more likely to take up music classes out of school hours than children from the poorest backgrounds. There is also a 20% participation gap in sport, a new report by the Social Mobility Commission reveals. The report, ‘An Unequal...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Sport and Recreation Alliance has revealed an activity map which shows the alarming number of children and young people who fail to meet minimum recommended levels of activity in England. Across the country 82.5% of children are not active for at least one hour per day, the guidance provided by the Chief Medical Officer. In areas such as Sheffield, Sunderland,...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

New guidance issued by the UK Chief Medical Officers emphasises the importance of building strength and balance for adults, as well as focusing on cardiovascular exercise. Falls are the main reason older people are taken to A&E, and could be avoided through daily activities such as brisk walking, carrying heavy shopping, climbing stairs, swimming and gardening.  There is strong evidence that...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Sport England have partnered with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to launch an innovative safeguarding awareness campaign that uses augmented reality technology to help keep those involved in sport safe. In order to recognise and report a safeguarding issue it is paramount that all parents, coaches and players are aware of the signs of abuse. The ‘Safe to Play’ campaign will see...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Youth projects across the country will receive a £12 million boost as part of the Government’s commitment to help young people thrive and level up opportunities, Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan announced. The investment includes up to £7 million for a Youth Accelerator Fund that will expand existing successful projects, and address urgent needs in the youth sector by delivering extra sessions...