London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report explores the motivations of different disabled people to take part in sport and physical activity. The methodology employed spanned secondary analysis and interviews with deliverers as well as interviews and online forums with disabled people.  The results describe the restrictions that different groups of disabled people face, be it physical, emotional or the need for advice. Depending on this...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The European Week of Sport aims at raising awareness of the benefits of sport practice and physical activity. Most of the stakeholders are already fully satisfied with the way the Week actually contributed to this goal, be it at European, national and local level. According to the feedback received, future Weeks could nevertheless further improve the outreach to Europeans. The evaluation of the (first)...

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In every generation technology changes peoples’ lives. The world someone is born into is not the same as the one they leave, with many leaps forward contributing to a brighter and better future.  In this report the Future Foundation, the world’s leading independent global consumer trends and insight firm, presents five trends that it believes will become more and more relevant to those...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report shows that disabled and non-disabled people generally have similar, positive experiences of coached sport. However, some of the data for disabled people suggests that they may have a slightly less positive experience than their non-disabled counterparts, with young disabled people being even more likely to be dissatisfied. Findings include: • Taking part in coached sport has a positive influence on...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The following documents provide guidance from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) on how much physical activity people should be doing. They are broken down into the following groups:- Early years (under 5) who are not walking - Early years (under 5) who are capable of walking - Children and young people (5-18)- Adults (19-64)- Older adults (65+)

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Talk to Me used a collaborative approach, working with providers and participants. The aim was to understand the needs, wants and desires of disabled people in sport and physical activity. Also, how to create activities and communications to be more appealing and attractive.  Ten key principles were identified. These principles, if followed, should help providers improve their offer to disabled people...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset presents data from Sportivate between 2011-2015, Satellite Clubs between 2013/14-2014/16, Workplace Challenge 2016, and ClubWorks 2016. Data is broken down by:   - Total number of Sportivate participants  - Sportivate participants by year   - Sportivate participants by age  - Sportivate participants by disability  - Sportivate participants by ethnicity  - Sportivate participants by gender  - Sportivate participants by retention rate  - Sportivate participants by sport played  - Total number...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Despite a number of sporting achievements in recent years, women's sport still fails to match the commercial investment and media coverage that male sport benefits from. The female sporting calendar is primarily the Olympic and Paralympic Games, whereas male sport dominates the media between these events. Female athletes need regular and structured opportunity to compete in competitions to increase their...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This document details how coaches can make their sessions more appealing to a wider audience of young people. Its suggestions include making the sessions: 1. Personalised - by fitting the lives of the young people, understanding their interests and goals and using sport to help achieve them, providing feedback and individual recognition of personality and external committments and involving them in...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This digital campaign was created to inspire, inform and engage women aged 14 to 40 to increase running behaviour, in line with Sport England's 'This Girl Can' campaign. A research project, carried out in partnership with England Athletics, aimed to increase understanding of the impact that the 'This Girl Can' campaign was having on running behaviour, a well as an...