The European Week of Sport aims at raising awareness of the benefits of sport practice and physical activity. Most of the stakeholders are already fully satisfied with the way the Week actually contributed to this goal, be it at European, national and local level. According to the feedback received, future Weeks could nevertheless further improve the outreach to Europeans.

The evaluation of the (first) European Week of Sport aims at helping with future planning, changes and improvements for further editions. In particular, it is crucial to gather elements to allow the European Commission to answer the following questions: Were the objectives of the Week met? What went well? What can be improved? 

The present report is structured around three pillars: events and activities organised during the first European Week of Sport, the #BeActive communication campaign, and working structures and methods put in place for the preparation and implementation of the Week. For each of these constituting blocks, the report provides for a detailed description of the activities undertaken, sets out the main outcome of the on-line survey and finally concludes with a set of ways to explore for future editions. The last chapter is dedicated to the legacy of the Week.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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