This literature review, conducted by Loughborough University in partnership with Street Games in January 2020, provides academically informed insight on the role of sport in addressing serious violence and crime for young people. This review sits within the context of HM Government’s Serious Violence Strategy (2018) which outlines efforts ‘to break the deadly cycle of violence that devastates the lives...
This guidance is aimed at those commissioning, designing, delivering and evaluating sport programmes with more cohesive and integrated communities as their goal. It does two main things: 1. Explains how sport and physical activity can lead to greater cohesion and integration. 2. Provides a practical guide to support organisations in the design and evaluation of these activities. This summary is structured around sequenced steps, based...
In June 2019, the Mayor published the headline findings from the Survey of Londoners, a major new social survey covering topics including Londoners’ relationships and participation in society, their experience of the economy and their demographic characteristics. This report builds on that previous work with findings of in-depth research to understand the drivers of three important social integration outcomes: Belonging...
The English Indices of Deprivation measure relative levels of deprivation in 32,844 small areas or neighbourhoods, called Lower-layer Super Output Areas, in England. This statistical release provides an overview of the findings of the English Indices of Deprivation 2019, focusing on the national and sub-national patterns of multiple deprivation with some analysis of income patterns and employment deprivation. The Index of Multiple Deprivation follows an established methodological...
The English Indices of Deprivation measure relative levels of deprivation in 32,844 small areas or neighbourhoods, called Lower-Super Output Areas (LSOA's). This statistical release provides an overview of the findings of the English Indices of Deprivation 2015, focussing on the national and sub-national patterns of multiple deprivation with some analysis of income patterns and employment deprivation. A full research report, technical...
This qualitative report has been put together by research agency 2CV and looks into the lifestyle, behaviour, priorities, preferences and attitudes of disadvantage young people and how to make sport relevant to their needs. This research piece focuses on non-urban youths and follows up previous research on urbanites. Results centre on four factors; emotional, social, environmental and financial....
This report reviews the evidence base on the social impacts of sport and culture, focusing on improved health, reduced crime, increased social capital and improved education outcomes. Key findings for sport include: - Sport prevents or reduces physical and mental health problems, subsequently saving on health care costs, and these benefits are particularly important for older people - Sport improves pro-social behaviour...
This report discusses how and why boxing is so successful in helping to combat anti-social behavioural problems in young people from deprived communities. It identifies five common themes of which the report is centred around: - True Grit: A Credible Sport to Tackle Gritty Social Problems - The Demands of Boxing: Inherent Values and Skills - Leaving It All in the Ring: Re-channeling...
This report explores how local, resident-led street play initiatives and programmes are being taken forward in disadvantaged areas of England, in response to concerns about the decline in children’s opportunities for outdoor play. It is based on interviews with 21 people involved in such schemes in five local authority areas. Its aim is to clarify areas of debate, share experiences...
In 2012 Sport England ring-fenced £20m for investment into Doorstep Sport Clubs (DSCs) - this is the largest ever targeted investment into disadvantaged youth sport. Insight into Action tells the story of the 340 community organisations that came together to understand the lifestyles and ambitions of 100,000 young people living in disadvantaged areas. The 340 used that insight to shape...