TopicActive Travel
London Sport
Added 5 months ago

[Authors: Daniel T. Bishop, Prathiba Batley, Huma Waheed, Tamara S. Dkaidek, Gabriela Atanasova, and David P. Broadbent] This research used a survey approach with parents and school children, considering the factors that enable or present a barrier to cycling. They used a COM-B (capability, opportunity, and motivation to engage in an identified behaviour) model to help with the data interpretation. Participants were 246 children (aged 9-15 years) with one of their parents...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report from the London Cycling Campaign explores the #DangerousJunctions campaign, which was created as a result of the fatal collision with Dr Marta Krawiec at Holborn in 2021. The purpose of the campaign is to highlight and tackle individual dangerous junctions as well as to tackle systemic road danger issues at far too many junctions in London and the...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report from the Centre for Better Ageing summarises the findings of their research project to understand the personal and environmental barriers and enablers of active travel in people aged 50 to 70 and sets out the factors that govern active travel behaviours within this target group. These factors include things as infrastructure; confidence; having suitable role models; and enjoyment...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This resource, created by Cycle Streets, supports Londoner's ability to cycle safely within the capital. The map includes details of bike sharing facilities, collisions, traffic, pop up cycle ways and more.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This statistical release presents information on walking and cycling in England using two main sources: the National Travel Survey (NTS) and the Active Lives Survey (ALS). Some key uses of the data include: describing patterns in walking and cycling, monitoring trends and contributing to evaluation of policies. The report summarises figures in walking and cycling throughout England, as well as trends, local authority figures and...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Travel in London is TfL’s annual publication that summarises trends and developments relating to travel and transport in London. Its principal function is to describe how travel is changing and to provide an interpretative overview of progress towards implementing the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, to inform future policy development. It also provides an evidence and analysis base for the general use of stakeholders and policymakers...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The objective of this guidance is to help make cycling attractive and accessible to everyone. Cycling can help people access the things they need: work, education, food, health services and recreation. Cycling can benefit physical and mental wellbeing and help reduce social and economic inequity. However, many people are currently excluded from cycling. Despite a large appetite from different demographic...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The Healthy Streets Scorecard ranks London Boroughs on how healthy their streets are according to nine indicators (four ‘outcome’ and five ‘input’ indicators). By combining the indicator scores, each borough is given a final Healthy Streets score.  When comparing the current data to that of 2019 (reflecting changes during the year up to March 2020, and before boroughs started to put in place...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This report highlights that the British public are in full support of making changes to our streets to reallocate priority away from motoring and toward walking and cycling. Research conducted by YouGov shows that 6.5 people support changes to their local streets for every 1 person who doesn’t. The results are a clear indicator that there is overwhelming support across the country to bring about lasting changes to transport infrastructure...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Over half of UK adults are considered ‘lapsed riders’, but a series of studies developed by HSBC UK and British Cycling has found that small behavioural ‘nudges’ can encourage people to start cycling again. In summer 2017, HSBC UK and British Cycling developed and ran a set of studies to identify new andtangible ways to increase cycling. These studies draw on...