London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places across the capital. The Atlas is part of the Mayor's programme of initiatives aimed at driving up standards in education and ensuring there are enough good places for...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report explores the perceptions of several groups of stakeholders with regards to out-of-normal timetable activity, as well as an extended school day in secondary schools. Stakeholders include school leaders, staff, parents, and pupils, as well as commercial, voluntary and community sector (CVCS) organisations. This report provides insights into the perceived enablers and barriers to activity provision, as well as...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report reviews published scientific articles that examine how physical activity and fitness may help school-aged children maximise their academic performance. It also provides an overview of the effects of physical activity on the developing brain.  Key findings and recommendations include: • Regular participation in physical activity has academic performance benefits.• Single sessions of physical activity can enhance attention and...

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Coppermile project, delivered at Douglas Eyre Sports Centre in Walthamstow, is a response to the childhood obesity crisis and builds on the pioneering work of Elaine Wylie and the Daily Mile project. This report outlines the process by which Coppermill Primary School and London Playing Fields Foundation worked together to create a culture of regular exercise, by allocating three...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance organized the concurrent preparation of Report Cards on the physical activity of children and youth in 38 countries from 6 continents (representing 60% of the world’s population). Nine common indicators were used (Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport Participation, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary Behavior, Family and Peers, School, Community and the Built Environment, and...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Satellite clubs make it easier for young people to get active – and stay active. They provide opportunities to take part regularly in sport and activity through the creation of enjoyable, appealing and convenient opportunities for young people that are based around their needs. Satellite clubs have helped thousands of young people get active and Sport England's support for the programme will...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Satellite clubs make it easier for young people to get active – and stay active. They provide opportunities to take part regularly in sport and activity through the creation of enjoyable, appealing and convenient opportunities for young people that are based around their needs. Satellite clubs have helped thousands of young people get active and Sport England's support for the programme...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Action to reduce health inequalities is at the heart of PHE’s mission. Despite this, inequalities in health still exist and the gap in life expectancy between the most and least deprived people in England has not narrowed over time. With recent changes to the public health system in England, we still face challenging questions about reducing health inequalities. Local public...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

There is a significant gender gap in the participation rates of Higher Education students. Women in Sport partnered up with British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) to share insights into how to engage inactive female students within universities. Student Activators focused on engaging students and collating feedback to understand the barriers the 'less sporty' students face when participating in sport and...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Concerns around mental health and wellbeing are increasing throughout education settings. Whilst the Government has started to address this in schools, limited support has been identified for colleges. The average college has 185 students with disclosed mental health conditions. In addition to this 81% of colleges have reported having ‘significant numbers’ of students who have undisclosed mental health difficulties (Association...