London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The culture and sport sectors generate important benefits to society, but these benefits can be difficult to measure and value. Data from the British Household Panel Survey and the Understanding Society Survey enable us to measure and value these benefits using two of the largest nationally representative surveys of the UK. Attaching values to benefits allows use of cost-benefit analysis...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report is the first of two outputs from the analysis carried out by the researchers. This report presents the results from an analysis of the association between culture and sport participation and a range of social outcomes. This report focuses on cashable or financial benefits and savings. The second output presents an analysis of the association between culture, sport...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report compares the results of research conducted by Ofcom and sports coach UK into online habits of people and coaches. Certain trends are outlined such as the growth in usage of tablets, smart phones and social media for ordinary use as well as coaching resources. The report investigates how these trends vary by age and gender, useful for those...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The 2013 Disabled People's Lifestyle Report made it apparent that disabled people would prefer to take part in an inclusive setting, rather than specialist disability sessions. The EFDS have identified that providers lack confidence to deliver to disabled people because of limited understanding of needs and abilities. This document provides insight into groups who already offer inclusive opportunities, offering advice...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report explores how players react to coaching behaviours, observing the intention tone of the coach. After categporising players into improvement bands, researchers observed autonomy support, evaluation climate and personal rapport using audio and video data. This evidenced that coaches take different tones with different groups of players, with higher achieving players experiencing higher levels of rapport. Although lower ability...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Communication is more than just what is said. It is a mixture of verbal and non-verbal messages that can change depending on individual preferences or the circumstances. As a coach, understanding your own style and the preferences of your athletes can make a real difference to your coaching effectiveness. This summary looks at new research with coaches and athletes to...

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This document reports domestic and international evidence on physical education (PE) and sport in primary and secondary schools. Statistics are taken from the PE and Sport Survey commissioned by the Department for Education and the Department of Culture, Media and Sport's Taking Part survey. The report explores the following topics: - Participation in PE and out of hours sport; - Participation in...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Fun is a key motivator for young people who play sport, but they are also looking for sporting experiences that connect with their social lives. New research illustrates how fun and positive peer relationships are interrelated, and essential in ensuring young people continue to participate in sport. With these two factors in mind, this research summary provides a series of...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Most coaches have strategies for working with young players’ parents, however, cultural changes in the new millenium have led to an increase in fathering through sport. This research helps coaches understand the implications of fathers who use their child's sporting experience as a mechanism for fulfilling their parenting duties, on their own coaching experiences and their participants' experience. The document...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The alarming findings from research carried out by the Youth Sport Trust (YST) suggests that 38% of English secondary schools have cut timetabled Physical Education for 14-16-year-olds since 2012 while almost one in four (24%) have done so in the last academic year. It comes at a time when too many young people are inactive, obesity rates are going up, mental...