This report is the first of two outputs from the analysis carried out by the researchers. This report presents the results from an analysis of the association between culture and sport participation and a range of social outcomes. This report focuses on cashable or financial benefits and savings. The second output presents an analysis of the association between culture, sport and measures of subjective wellbeing. The second report therefore looks at the perceived benefits for the individual using wellbeing valuation. Both are important aspects of the Green Book and policy evaluation.

The aims of the analysis presented in this report are:

  • To investigate the association between sport participation and cultural engagement and a range of social outcomes (e.g. on measures of health, education, employment and civic participation).
  • To explore indicative financial values associated with identified social impacts of engagement in culture and sport (e.g. on measures of health, education, employment and civic participation). We assess impacts on public sector costs savings.

Each report presents background to the consideration of social and wellbeing impacts along with the key findings. The annexes contain the full papers and analysis produced by the authors from the LSE.

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