London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In 2012 Sport England ring-fenced £20m for investment into Doorstep Sport Clubs (DSCs) - this is the largest ever targeted investment into disadvantaged youth sport. Insight into Action tells the story of the 340 community organisations that came together to understand the lifestyles and ambitions of 100,000 young people living in disadvantaged areas. The 340 used that insight to shape...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

UKactive have released a report which found that a growing number of leisure centre members are swapping traditional activities like swimming for spin bikes and other group workouts. Data from over three million customers and 130 million individual visits across 315 leisure centres in the UK over the past two years were analysed for the 20-page report which was produced...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

A guide to physical activity and sport for people with a learning disability. Produced by Mencap and Special Olympics Great Britain. Presented in Easy Read Format for those with a Learning Disability.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Taking Part is a household survey in England, looking at participation in the cultural and sporting sectors. Running since 2005, the survey was commissioned by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in partnership with Arts Council England, Historic England (formerly English Heritage), and Sport England. The statistics are used widely by policy officials, academics, practitioners, the private sector...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In a new report Sport England explore the reasons why women are less active than men. The latest statistics show that 63% of men are active compared to 59% of women, with men more likely to take part in higher intensity activities than women. Overall, short workouts are appealing to women to help them fit activity into their lives. Women also...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

A new report, written with support from Swim England, reveals that swimming training can increase a young person’s ability to concentrate and learn at school.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Research released by Cerebral Palsy Sport highlights the importance of their adapted sports programme in supporting people with cerebral palsy to be more active. The results confirm that adapting sports by modifying rules and equipment can enable and encourage more people to take part and enjoy sport and physical activity.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

New data published by the Youth Sport Trust and Women in Sport reveals a gender difference in attitudes to physical activity by teenagers. The children surveyed understand the importance of an active lifestyle. Data from the girls reveals big difference between girl’s attitudes and behaviour with reasons such as painful periods, self-consciousness, confidence, the pressure of school work and lack...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This resource will help you understand why sport and physical activity should be on a Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation’s (DDPO) agenda and the important role DDPOs can play in ensuring that local sport and physical activity (SPA) becomes fully inclusive. It is based on the experiences of five London DDPOs involved in Into Sport, a 3 year project funded...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Stonewall is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights charity in the UK and have an inclusion toolkit for sports clubs and community groups. This guide explores experiences of LGB&T people in sport and identifies some of the issues they face. It also recommends best practise around supporting LGB&T people to take part in sport.