London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Sport Outcomes Evidence Review explains how sport and physical activity contribute to the Government strategy outcomes, as set out in Sporting Future (physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, individual development, social and community development, economic development). It can also inform how to design projects to maximise impact on the outcomes, through factors such as inclusive approaches, appropriate environments and continuing engagement.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This systematic review explores qualitative evidence on barriers and facilitators to physical activity and sedentary behaviour in young children (0-6). It looks at the perceptions of children, parents and childcare providers of their barriers and enablers to physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Facilitators and enablers are categorised into 7 broad themes: the child; the home; out of home childcare; parent-childcare...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

"This policy report outlines the evidence on the gender participation gap in children. It can be used to support work on a local and national level to ensure that girls can be active and stay active throughout childhood and adolescence. The four findings with policy implications highlighted in the briefing are: 1. Peer power and girls activity 2. Parents can help to...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Of 120,000 runners at 596 parkruns, 43% were women. This research suggests that women are more likely to be 'reluctant runners'. A reluctant runner can be defined as someone who has signed up for a parkrun but has never taken part, or ran once but never returned. Women in Sport explored the motivations and barriers to running for these women...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

An evaluation of Play England's project Street Play has found that helping children play outside by closing streets for set time periods can help children increase their levels of physical activity. Children were outdoors for a large proportion (>70%) of the time the streets were closed and spent on average 16 minutes per hour in moderate to vigorous physical activity...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report explores how local, resident-led street play initiatives and programmes are being taken forward in disadvantaged areas of England, in response to concerns about the decline in children’s opportunities for outdoor play. It is based on interviews with 21 people involved in such schemes in five local authority areas. Its aim is to clarify areas of debate, share experiences...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Golf spectators walk more than 11,500 steps while watching the sport, according to a survey, helping fans gain health benefits from the physical activity involved. Reduced risk of CVD, improved and maintined lung function and improved balance and strength in older adults were just a few of the benefits from the sport the study found. Golf playing and spectating is...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 7 (2012/13) through to APS 9 (2014/15). Data is broken down by:  - Total physical activity rate by inactives, insufficiently actives and actives by gender

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset presents Sport England Active People Survey data from APS 1 (2005/6) through to APS 10 (2015/16). Data is broken down by:  - Proportion of the population who have received sports coaching or tuiting at least once in the last 12 months by borough - Proportion of the population who have taken part in any sports volunteering activity at least...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The World Health Organization has published draft zero of its global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030 to get 100 million people more active by 2030. The action plan introduces a vision of a world where all countries provide the enabling environments and opportunities for all citizens to be physically active and through this enhance the social, cultural, economic development...