London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Sport and Recreation Alliance has published its new strategy outlining its ambition to create a vibrant sport and recreation sector. The strategy, which will run through to 2021, is heavily focused on grassroots sport. It is built on eight principles and includes an ambition to encourage more people from under-represented groups into sport and recreation, including as participants, volunteers...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The purpose of the Tennis Foundation Disability Development strategy is to inspire and engage disabled people to become involved in tennis, and to provide opportunities at both a recreational and competitive level. This research was undertaken to understand the health and social benefits of playing tennis for disabled people, explore drivers and barriers and provide recommendations on how to build the programme.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Amateur Swimming Association has rebranded as Swim England and produced its new four year strategy. The strategy has outlined six key targets. These are: - To provide strong leadership - To substantially increase the number of people able to swim - Grow the number and diversity of people regularly swimming - Create a world-leading talent system - Improve the workforce - Strengthen organisational sustainability

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report covers a wide range of areas and makes various recommendations regarding duty of care in sport. This includes the suggestion that NGBs should be required to have at least one named person dedicated to the duty of care of athletes, or risk having their funding cut. Other recommendations include:- Introducing performance indicators to measure duty of care performance-...

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This resource demonstrates why sport and physical activity should be on a Deaf and Disabled People's Organisation's (DDPOs) agenda and the important role DDPOs can play in ensuring that local sport and physical activity becomes fully inclusive. It is based on the experiences of five London DDPOs involved in Into Sport, a 3 year project funded by Sport England, aiming...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This study investigates the effect football has on the psychological and emotional state of girls and young women in Europe. As well as analysing existing research literature concerning the links between football and self-confidence, self -esteem, life skills and wellbeing, the study used questionnaire data from more than 4000 girls and young women aged 13 and over from across England,...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This guide is designed for practitioners who want a concise overview of how to evaluate a sport or physical activity intervention. It discusses principles of good practice for designing evaluations and suggests tools that might be used. It includes an introduction to the Re-Aim Framework as well as introducing the different stages of an evaluation. These include planning, conducting measurement,...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report offers a rare opportunity to hear the voices of girls themselves and reveals their attitudes to fitness and sport. 1500 boys and girls were surveyed to understand how and when girls turn away from an active lifestyle, and why this process occurs. This was supplemented by focus groups exploring students' participation since pre-school and experiences, thoughts and opinions...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This article builds on the research undertaken by Women in Sport in 2012 (Changing the Game for Girls) and shows the findings of a 2-year pilot project. The project supported 25 schools in England to improve girls’ engagement in PE and school sport.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In coaching terms, an 'inclusive coach' has the ability to positively and effectively coach a group of people who may have very different needs. This is not specific to coaches working with disabled children, players and athletes - good coaches will always be working inclusively because they want everyone in their session to have fun and improve. This guide provides...