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London Sport
Added 8 months ago

This report considers the current state of the UK Sport and Physical Activity workforce following the pandemic and future skill requirements. It considers the post-COVID labour market; the sport and physical activity workforce has not completely recovered from the impact of COVID, some specialist roles like sports coaches have seen a return to similar levels before the pandemic, but other...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Street Games and Sports England covers the Sport England Volunteer Action Research Project, which aimed to increase participation in volunteering and social action through sport. The project focused on young females and young people from BAME backgrounds and communities. A key aim of the project was learning and understanding what can encourage these young people to start...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Street Games and Brunel University investigates youth sport and mental health through evaluating the impact of the ‘Safe, Fit & Well’ Doorstep Sport projects in seven urban communities across the UK. The report details the importance of the sporting workforce and leaders in helping the mental health of young people and their ability to become important role...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report explores the issue of mental health and illness in the UK sport and physical activity workforce using data from 202 UK coaches. They found that 44% of the workforce were currently dealing with mental illness, with coaches in community settings being the most vulnerable. The report utilises testimonies from both males and females on their experiences to highlight...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by CIMPSA details intelligence about physical activity and sport as well as its trends, distribution, and prospects. By understanding the sport and physical activity industry before the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, CIMPSA offers the best intelligence they have to think about the future. The report investigates the changing sport and physical activity labour market covering...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Women In Sport discusses the impact of a workplace culture that negatively impacts women. This covers topics such as discrimination, a negative workplace culture, and under-represented women in senior roles in the sector. Women In Sport found evidence demonstrating the clear gap between how men and women feel in the workplace.  The report promotes a change in workplace...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This article by Loughborough University outlines their findings on how to increase diversity in the sport coaching workforce. Funded by Sport England and appointed as the lead research partner for The Coaching for All (CFA) initiative, Loughborough University recruited 29 participants from disadvantaged communities (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic or a Refugee) for their research. The research considered barriers experienced by...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Published by UK Coaching in October 2020, Volume 6 of the Applied Coaching Research Journal is aimed at everyone interested in extending their knowledge through coaching research and insights. The theme for volume 6 is transforming lives through coaching and it includes an article on learning and development environments. Within the report are a series are engaging articles, opinion pieces, top...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

In 2019, UK Coaching commissioned YouGov to undertake the largest ever survey into coaches and coaching, building on a previous survey conducted in 2017. A nationally representative sample of over 50,000 adults and 2,000 children were surveyed about their experience of receiving coaching and their experience of being a coach. Two reports were created, one focusing on the coaches, the other focusing on...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This workshop toolkit has been created by Women in Sport and Sport England to help County Sports Partnerships get the most out of conversations with their partners. There are four sections that summarise key guidance on women and girls sport, these are: - Understanding your audience - Marketing and Communications - Running your sessions - Keeping them coming back