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London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by SportsTechx examines themes driving growth into the European Sport and technology sector and shares insights towards where it’s headed, specifically by looking into investments, deep dives linked to NFTs, and ecosystems. The paper provides innovative and market-based findings. Through different forms of data collection, they find that 2021 was a landmark year for SportsTech, crossing €1.8b in investment...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by the Royal Society seeks to understand how the internet shapes people’s engagement with scientific information. Information about Covid-19 is spread rapidly online, which can be great to inform people of current news surrounding the virus- however this report highlights the dangers that come alongside this. This includes the spread of misinformation surrounding Covid-19 that arises from the competition for...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This study outlines findings of the largest behavioural change study on physical activity - based on verified data. Conducted by RAND Europe, this study is the largest yet to measure the effectiveness of financial rewards coupled with wearable technology to make people more active over time. Research focused on Vitality Active Rewards with Apple Watch and how it works to make...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The largest behaviour change study on physical activity - based on verified data - shows Vitality incentives combined with Apple Watch lead to significant and sustained increases in activity levels. Vitality is the largest science-based wellness program globally, with more than eight million members in 19 countries. It has been proven to help improve health outcomes and lower insurance costs. Vitality...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Sport England have partnered with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to launch an innovative safeguarding awareness campaign that uses augmented reality technology to help keep those involved in sport safe. In order to recognise and report a safeguarding issue it is paramount that all parents, coaches and players are aware of the signs of abuse. The ‘Safe to Play’ campaign will see...