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London Sport
Added 4 months ago

This article acknowledges the challenge of helping people to maintain a level of fitness for health and quality of life as they get older. With the negative impact of sedentary behaviour on the aging process as well, it is important to consider this issue. Physical activity can support healthier aging and there is more research being conducted in this field....

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by Richmond group of Charities provides a discussion of the different ways the sport and physical activity sector can make a difference and help people with long term health conditions be more active. The report promotes a change in the ways the sport and physical sector manage and deal with long term health conditions through improving accessibility, enhancing...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by Richmond group of Charities explores the various ways health and care organisations, such as those working in partnership as Integrated Care Systems can support more people with long term health conditions to be active. Data was drawn from various secondary sources, ranging from the NHS Digital, Health Survey for England 2018, to UK Chief Medical Officer Guidelines...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report explores the different ways employers within clinical and non-clinical roles in health and care organisations can engage and encourage others with long term health conditions be more active. Data was drawn from a variety of different secondary sources, ranging from Health England publications to Sport England searchable information on physical activity levels across England. They found that nearly...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by Women in Sport explores the reasons why women in midlife are less physically active and makes a series of recommendations to try and change this moving forward. The findings of the report show that a third of women aged 41 to 60 are not meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of 150 minutes per week of exercise...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine and Loughborough University discusses eating disorders and disordered eating in athletes. Their research shows that eating disorders and disordered eating is common in athletes, impacting 1 in 5 female athletes and around 1 in 12 male athletes. This has a negative effect on athletes’ physical performance as well as...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

The UK government has committed to improving the nation’s health, including the ‘grand challenge’ of ensuring people are able to live an extra 5 years of healthy life by 2035 while ‘narrowing the gap between the experience of the richest and poorest’. Improving health should also be an important part of the government’s commitment to ‘level up’ the poorest parts of...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Tackling obesity and helping people achieve or maintain a healthier weight is complex. Most of the adult population in England is living with overweight or obesity and whilst the majority of the younger generation remain a healthy weight, it is not the case for every child, and particularly so for those living in our more deprived areas. We all have...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

A study completed by Kings College London, in partnership with the British Heart Foundation and Tommy's charity, explored the effects that antenatal diet and physical activity intervention could have on pregnant women. The study examined pregnant women with obesity, assessing whether this intervention had a positive influence on the health of women and their children three years after birth. Those given...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Sedentary behaviour (SB) has been identified as an important mortality risk factor. Health organizations have recognised SB as a public health challenge with major health, social, and economic consequences. Researchers have alerted the need to develop specific strategies, to monitor, prevent, and reduce SB. However, there is no systematic analysis of the SB changes in European Union adults. This study...