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London Sport
Added 3 months ago

This study covered over 26,000 people from 22 countries, considering the relationship between exercise and state of mind across the world. There is a positive link between the mind and physical activity, and a direct link between exercise as a teenager and people’s state of mind as adults. The more people exercise the higher their state of mind scores, with...

London Sport
Added 8 months ago

This report provides some insight on the impact of Wild Swimming on Wellbeing. It discusses impact; covering social value and social prescribing. It also includes a number of case studies.

London Sport
Added 8 months ago

This report shows there is still work to be done to combat the inequalities affecting disabled people and their ability to take part in physical activity. Concerns include loneliness and the rising cost of living. This research included 998 disabled people, alongside 976 non-disabled people (16+). Seven themes were developed following discussion with disabled people and organisations: 1.    Participation and Experience 2.    Physical health...

London Sport
Added a year ago

This report by the National Sectors Partners group explores their current, collective understanding of how sport, recreation and physical activity can help improve the health and wellbeing of the nation. It also shares some statistics on the current state of the nation based on levels of physical activity and reasons why the public and private sector should care about it....

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by Women in Sport explores the reasons why women in midlife are less physically active and makes a series of recommendations to try and change this moving forward. The findings of the report show that a third of women aged 41 to 60 are not meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of 150 minutes per week of exercise...

London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by the Richmond Group of Charities provides an executive summary of Movement for All, which was a project aimed at helping people to become more active in a way that suits them and improve awareness of the benefits of and barriers to physical activity. The summary shares their key learnings, such as how to shift attitudes and behaviours towards...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report provides a summary of adult's physical activity levels from May 2019-2020. Activity levels were on track for record highs before a national lockdown was introduced in March 2020. This report, which covers the 12 months including lockdown, should be read in conjunction with Sport England's Active Lives Covid-19 report covering the period between March and May 2020. Lockdown led to...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

A report on the impact of mixed ability sport has been released by International Mixed Ability Sports (IMAS) as part of their Sport England funded Mixed Ability Sports Development Programme (MASDP). Key findings highlight that mixed activity (with disabled and non-disabled people) can have a positive impact at an individual, club and societal level. Created by IMAS, the Mixed Ability Sport...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report offers a rare opportunity to hear the voices of girls themselves and reveals their attitudes to fitness and sport. 1500 boys and girls were surveyed to understand how and when girls turn away from an active lifestyle, and why this process occurs. This was supplemented by focus groups exploring students' participation since pre-school and experiences, thoughts and opinions...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

An evaluation of Play England's project Street Play has found that helping children play outside by closing streets for set time periods can help children increase their levels of physical activity. Children were outdoors for a large proportion (>70%) of the time the streets were closed and spent on average 16 minutes per hour in moderate to vigorous physical activity...