This report by the Lambeth Public Health Team aims to provide evidence to further support policy to manage the proximity of takeaway fast food outlets to schools to help reduce obesity in Lambeth. Obesity is a key issue in Lambeth, with over half of its residents being at an excessive weight and its childhood obesity levels above the national average. There are...
This report seeks to understand how diets have changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the implications that this may have for reducing obesity levels and improving the populations diet. By May 2020 total calories were, on average, 15% above normal levels, and they remained higher than normal for the rest of 2020. Although the pandemic has led...
Report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. The report recommends 9 different areas for improvement to tackle childhood obesity: Strong controls on price promotions of unhealthy food and drink Tougher controls on marketing and advertising of unhealthy food and drink A centrally led reformulation programme to reduce sugar in food and drink A sugary...
This report sets out the evidence on children’s calorie consumption and the details of the calorie reduction programme. In terms of the evidence the report includes details of: •recommendations around calorie intakes, sources of calories and reported levels of intake•calculated estimates for daily energy intakes and excess calories consumed by children and adults•evidence on reformulation and portion size reduction; and public perceptions...
Young children who spent more than half an hour a day online were almost twice as likely to pester their parents for junk food, according to a Cancer Research UK report. And primary school children who spent more than three hours on the web were more than four times more likely to spend their pocket money on chocolate, crisps, sugary...
Wide availability of unhealthy food and drink in more than 1 in 4 (29%) non- food retail environments such as clothing and cosmetics stores with confectionary and sugary drinks dominating. Seven out of ten consumers (70%) reported seeing food or drink in non-food retail stores, with 42% making a purchase while shopping in these stores in the previous month. Two...
Health services must integrate a stronger focus on ensuring optimum nutrition at each stage of a person’s life, according to a new report released by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is estimated that the right investment in nutrition could save 3.7 million lives by 2025. “In order to provide quality health services and achieve Universal Health Coverage, nutrition should be...
Labelling food and drinks with the amount and type of physical activity needed to burn off the calories in it might be a more effective way of encouraging people to make ‘healthier’ dietary choices, indicates research led by Loughborough University. Physical activity calorie equivalent (PACE) food labelling aims to show how many minutes or miles of physical activity are needed to...