TopicCost of living
London Sport
Added 6 months ago

Sport England and System Partners (including London Sport) commissioned this report by Sheffield Hallam University to collate the insight and learning around cost of living and its impact on sport and physical activity. It considers the following themes: sport economy, participation, clubs, facilities, workforce. Cost of living has had an impact on participation levels, and there are a number of...

London Sport
Added 10 months ago

BUCS sought to understand the views of both staff and students on how participation in sport and physical activity may have been affected by the increasing cost of living. They conducted surveys (which engaged 2,334 students and 80 staff from 140 higher education institutions), as well as interviews and focus groups with 16 students and Sabbatical Officers. They found five...

London Sport
Added a year ago

This letter written by a coalition of more than 200 bodies and individuals* from the worlds of health, sport, recreation, and leisure was written to the Prime Minister with an urgent plea for greater support for grassroots facilities and clubs amid the ongoing energy crisis. With energy costs relief for the UK’s swimming pools, leisure centres, community facilities, and gyms...

London Sport
Added a year ago

This report by Sport England explores their current, collective understanding of how the cost of living impacts people's activity levels and shares some ideas on how to help people get, or remain, active at low or no cost. Through a qualitative online community consultation and various surveys, authors established 4 key actionable points for partners and organisations who work in...

London Sport
Added a year ago

The Cost of Living Crisis: The impact on grassroots community sport and recreation, published in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre and Sport:80, outlines the challenging situation facing clubs across the country this winter. With energy bills expected to almost double in the coming year, and clubs’ reserves already depleted from COVID-19, these additional costs are likely...

London Sport
Added a year ago

With the cost-of-living crisis continuing to rise in 2023, business owners are growing more anxious about their source of income. We are hearing more and more stories about people having to close down their businesses, including ones that are important for the community, such as florists and food shops (1). The consequences of this are not just devastating for the business...