London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report investigates how sport can becoming more appealing and supportive to women of all backgrounds, circumstances or ability. Sport England’s Active Lives data reveals that nearly 14 million women in UK are not as physically active as they should be. This report investigates why that is and suggests ways to increase female participation in physical activity. Increasing support for women...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

Good Parks for London is an annual report, now in its fifth year, compiled by Parks for London and sponsored by GL Hearn. It assesses participating London boroughs’ parks services from April 2020 to March 2021 against the ten Good Parks criteria to enable comparison between them. The report provides insight into how the participating London boroughs compare against the criteria...

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London Sport
Updated 3 years ago

This report evaluates the findings of the This Girl Can Project Croydon which, alongside Croydon Voluntary Action, planned and delivered targeted activity sessions for inactive women. The project also explored lived experiences of women during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially those who became more vulnerable. The report provides a review of the methodology, key findings, charts and data, quotes from the...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This article by Loughborough University outlines their findings on how to increase diversity in the sport coaching workforce. Funded by Sport England and appointed as the lead research partner for The Coaching for All (CFA) initiative, Loughborough University recruited 29 participants from disadvantaged communities (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic or a Refugee) for their research. The research considered barriers experienced by...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This review focuses on the accommodation of transgender inclusion, fairness, and safety in sport. It covers recommendations on how to include transgender women in female sport- considering various factors such as strength, stamina and physique. Guideline principles are outlined to help ensure transgender inclusion in sport is prioritised in NGBs and SGBs policy. Common questions and answers are listed in a table,...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This article provides details on how the Building Connections Fund has adapted its methods to the changing needs of those suffering with loneliness as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. It highlights key changes such as engagement with online activities for service users alongside the necessary safeguarding and privacy measures introduced to create a safe space for those struggling with loneliness during the pandemic.

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report evaluates how the Building Connections Fund (BCF) operated following the impact of Covid-19 on the grant holders and service users. It details the way in which BCF adapted its methods for tackling loneliness during the Covid-19 pandemic alongside evaluating service users’ experiences. The pandemic has created an opportunity for change, learning and development. This report details recommendations for...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Building Connections Fund (BCF) prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Building Connections Fund was the first ever government fund aimed at reducing loneliness. It details the evaluation methods that the BCF utilised as well as the grant holders and service users’ levels of need before the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes a...