London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by the Royal Society seeks to understand how the internet shapes people’s engagement with scientific information. Information about Covid-19 is spread rapidly online, which can be great to inform people of current news surrounding the virus- however this report highlights the dangers that come alongside this. This includes the spread of misinformation surrounding Covid-19 that arises from the competition for...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Loughborough University provides insight into the impact of climate change on major sporting events such as the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. This event will make history by being the first Winter Olympics with 100% artificial snow- this report details how climate change is impacting the ability for snow and ice sports to use natural conditions. The report...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Sport England is a brief summary of the diversity in Sports Governance around the UK and London. Statistics and graphs are used to illustrate the percentage of respondents from different communities, identities, and backgrounds to best understand the diversity amongst various sports organisations. The latest data on the gender, sexual identity, age, education, disability, and ethnicity of those...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) assesses research and evidence surrounding the impact of working from home. The Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns have meant that working from home has become a standard practise and most people now say they would like to continue to work from home if possible. Themes covered in the report include productivity...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report details the Child Abuse in Sport: European Statistics or CASES project- funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnership Programme and led by Edge Hill University. The focus of the project was to assess the prevalence of interpersonal violence against children in sport and data was collective through an online questionnaire developed by the CASES team. The results found...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Street Games and Sports England covers the Sport England Volunteer Action Research Project, which aimed to increase participation in volunteering and social action through sport. The project focused on young females and young people from BAME backgrounds and communities. A key aim of the project was learning and understanding what can encourage these young people to start...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

The Social Switch Project, supported by the Mayor of London and Catch22, aims to provide a platform for the most marginalised children and young people to be heard on issues they encounter when using social media and gaming and online platforms. The report includes a range of perspectives on the issue of online harms from professionals to help best understand...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Street Games and Brunel University investigates youth sport and mental health through evaluating the impact of the ‘Safe, Fit & Well’ Doorstep Sport projects in seven urban communities across the UK. The report details the importance of the sporting workforce and leaders in helping the mental health of young people and their ability to become important role...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by Belong- The Social Cohesion Network, supported by the Nuffield Foundation and the University of Kent School of Psychology- details the Beyond Us and Them research project analysing the impact of Covid-19 on social cohesion. The research seeks to understand factors that promote or inhibit social cooperation, that mobilise or discourage action in support of others, and that build...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

This report by the Lambeth Public Health Team aims to provide evidence to further support policy to manage the proximity of takeaway fast food outlets to schools to help reduce obesity in Lambeth. Obesity is a key issue in Lambeth, with over half of its residents being at an excessive weight and its childhood obesity levels above the national average. There are...