London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Presentation from the CSPN convention on the legacy/impact of the Tour de France in Yorkshire. Provides useful insights on how to make the most of impacts from major events.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This document offers a unique insight into the lives of young people in deprived areas, the barriers they face to participation, ways in which communities and charities can support the work already done in poor areas, and new ways of opening access to sport for young people

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

London Sport have released a Satellite Club Guide for all those who have been successful in their application onto the programme. This guidance document informs readers about London Sport's commitment to the clubs they fund to deliver Satellite Clubs, and about the support London Sport offers. It offers guidance as to how clubs can maximise their potential and attract and...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Additional supporting documents to the Triennial Review of UK Sport and Sport England

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Review of functions of Sport England and UK Sport covering functions and form, improving effectiveness, improving efficiency and corporate governance. Found that both bodies remain essential in their current form but gave recommendations for action in 2015/16

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

A review and critique of the literature on sexual orientation in sport. Main findings: 1. Bisexuality and transsexuality are underrepresented in sports research and policy 2. Basic awareness amongst stakeholders of LGBT but lack of expertise to address them 3. Lack of data and evidence means these issues can be ignored or remain hidden 4. Equality issues around sexual orientation and gender identity are still...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Getting ready is London Youth's sports development programme which uses a journey of change methodology to measure the programmes emotional and social impact on participants. The programme reported that 70% of partipcants reported modertate to strong change across all emotional and social capabilties. The strength of this report lies in the methodology used to make this discovery, a life effectiveness...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Sport and Recreation Alliance has set out the challenges facing sport and physical going forward in competitiong for leisure time. Specifically, they identify 7 'challenge' areas that organisations working within the sector need to challenge to ensure sport and physical activity is 'Fit For the Future' .

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

In 2011, as the UK prepared to host one of the biggest sporting events in the world, the NUS LGBT campaign launched a research project into the sporting experiences of LGBT students. The project consisted of a literature review, an online survey of eight hundred and forty-five LGBT students, and nine workshops with students across the UK. Both the survey...

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London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This handbook examines the reasons for the widespread and continued exclusion of LGBT people from mainstream sport, the nature and mechanisms of prejudice and discrimination towards LGBT people in sport and highlights the costs of this exclusion to sport. The handbook also provides examples of good practice in working with both young people and adults to tackle homophobia in sport...