London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The EFDS has produced a guide to help sports clubs improve physical access to their club. It is aimed at anybody involved in running or working in a sports club. The resource details the main areas of physical access and signposts the reader to further sources of information and support.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) was mandated to ensure that it delivered the most accessible Games possible. As part of this, LOCOG aimed to establish new equality and inclusion standards for future sport event organisers to aspire to and achieve. The overarching aim of this deaf-led report is to share deaf people’s experiences...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The Equality and Human Rights Commission wrote to all 20 Premier League football clubs to gain insight into the accessibility of their ground and services to disabled supporters. It assesses what steps have been taken to meet legal obligations to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people, asking questions around accessibility of the ground including seating, toilets and changing facilities, ticketing...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This study presents information about the service disabled spectators receive and the issues they face when attending a sporting event, in order to ensure that their rights are properly recognised in this area. It discusses the barriers they face when planning attendance, buying tickets, travelling to and from the venue and the overall experience of the sporting event. It then...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This report shows that there is a growing deficit between the rising use of parks and the declining resources that are available to manage them. Based on four surveys of park managers, independent park trusts, park friends and user groups, and the general public, the findings show that while parks are highly valued by the public and usage is increasing,...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The possible physical and mental health benefits of access to green space are promoted by a number of bodies. This document summarises the existing evidence, including the following key points: - Physical and mental illness association with sedentary urban lifestyles are an increasing economic and social cost - Areas with more accessible green space are associated with better mental and physical health -...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This guidance covers accessible sports facilities and will help designers, building owners and operators meet design and operational obligations. Formerly known as Access for Disabled People, the 'Accessible Sports Facilities Design Guide' was first published in 2010 and conveys current requirements for accessible sports facilities. Following the publication of the Accessible Sports Facilities Design Guidance note in 2010, the audit checklists...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

The start of a race can be challenging for deaf athletes, especially those who are unable to wear their hearing aids or cochlear implants in the water. As part of an ongoing project, an unprecedented number of facilities in England which host level one and level two meets have been equipped with strobe lighting to ensure deaf swimmers have equal...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Drawing on data from over 1.8m people across 651 leisure facilities, over the past two years, this report takes an unprecedented look at the economic impact of public leisure on the wellbeing of wider society, including on health, improved educational attainment, and reduced levels of crime.

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Scotland’s walking charity, Paths for All, has helped Evanton Community Woodland to become accessible for people living with dementia. Thanks to £6,000 funding from the Life Changes Trust, Robertson Trust and The William Grant Foundation the area around the woodland cabin has been resurfaced to make it easier to walk around and new dementia friendly signage has been installed on...