Funded by Comic Relief, this research seeks to understand the impact of lockdown on women across different life stages, from young women without children to those in later life (age 70+).  

Women in Sport followed a group of women for a month to look in-depth at how their lives were affected, as well as running a representative survey of 100 women from across the UK. These methods were deployed to assess the shifts in behaviour and attitudes that women have experienced towards physical activity during lockdown 

Results showed that women have been disproportionately impacted by the lockdown, especially those women with children juggling home-life, work, and schooling. Women aged 70 plus have also suffered the greatest isolation.   

But the research has also shown that lockdown has resulted in a resetting of priorities and an increased motivation to exercise post-lockdown, with 61% of women surveyed stating that they will put more effort into being fit and active after lockdown is over. 

Last Update
4 years ago  
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