After extensive consultation with and beyond the network, Andy Reed released his response to the questions posed by government on the future role of CSPs. Key points include:

- There is a clear role for a network of local partnerships in the new strategies and CSPs can be at the heart of the new structures;

- Sport England recognises the value in maintaining a national network of CSPs;

- CSPs are not solely Sport England delivery partners – they are locally-led, cross-sector partnerships in themselves and will retain local flexibility and locally determined priorities;

- The landscape is changing and CSPs will need to adapt and change to match the new circumstances; 

- There is a continued, but evolving role for CSPs, not least the shift to focusing greater effort and resource on those who are inactive or do not have a resilient sporting habit;

- A CSP is not required to lead on everything. Working strategically means sometimes being the glue, advocating and linking up others to work effectively with little formal recognition; 

- CSPs’ core purpose in delivering Sporting Future and Towards an Active Nation should include supporting the local sport and physical activity infrastructure (clubs, coaches and volunteers and local government);

- CSPs will also be required to work with or support a wider range of local bodies including those in the health and private sector and LEPs; 

- The new strategies are very much ‘outcome focused’ and measurement of the performance of CSPs should reflect this change in emphasis; 

- As locally led organisations CSPs will vary across the country. This is an inevitable consequence of their independence and to be welcomed; 

- Leadership in weak or coasting CSPs needs to be strengthened and improved as a priority; 

- All CSPs should be subject to and meet the requirements of the ‘Governance Code for Sport in the UK’; 

- There is significant scope for CSPs to drive further efficiencies across and beyond the network of partnerships. For example, reducing back office costs and greater sharing of resources in key business areas; 

- There continues to be a need for the CSPN, however, there is some duplication of roles and responsibilities between Sport England and CSPN. Greater clarity about what role and function CSPN carries out is needed to avoid duplication. 


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4 years ago  
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