In December 2015, the Government published Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation. It sets a bold and ambitious direction for sport policy which has been widely welcomed. It looks beyond simple participation to how sport changes lives and becomes a force for social good. At its heart are five outcomes: physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, individual development, social and community development and economic development. 

Putting this policy into practice to achieve these outcomes will mean significant change for Sport England and for our partners. 

This strategy sets out how we will deliver this task. The key changes we are making are:

  • Focusing more money and resources on tackling inactivity because this is where the gains for the individual and for society are greatest
  • Investing more in children and young people from the age of five to build positive attitudes to sport and activity as the foundations of an active life
  • Helping those who are active now to carry on, but at lower cost to the public purse over time. Sport England will work with those parts of the sector that serve the core market to help them identify ways in which they can become more sustainable and self-sufficient
  • Putting customers at the heart of what we do, responding to how they organise their lives and helping the sector to be more welcoming and inclusive, especially of those groups currently under-represented in sport
  • Helping sport to keep pace with the digital expectations of customers
  • Working nationally where it makes sense to do so (for example on infrastructure and workforce) but encouraging stronger local collaboration to deliver a more joined-up experience of sport and activity for customers
  • Working with a wider range of partners, including the private sector, using our expertise as well as our investment to help others align their resources
  • Working with our sector to encourage innovation and share best practice particularly through applying the principles and practical learning of behaviour change
Last Update
4 years ago  
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