Taking Part is a household survey in England, which examines participation in the cultural and sporting sectors. The Taking Part child questionnaires cover children aged 5-15 years. Data is a at a national level and London specific data is not available. This release is the annual publication of child data and provides detailed analysis of the year from April 2014 to March 2015. Key findings include: - Amongst all children (5-15 year olds) 87% had taken part in sport in the four weeks prior to interview, a significant decrease on the first year of data collection in 2008/09 (90%) and on 2013/14 (90%). - In the four weeks prior to being interviewed, 81% of 5-10 year olds had taken part in sport outside school, a significant decrease since 2008/09 (85%) but a similar proportion to 2013/14. Over the same period 95% of 11-15 year olds took part in sport in or outside school, a similar level to 2008/09 and to 2013/14. -77% of 5-15 year old children reported that they had participated in some form of competitive sport in the last 12 months. Nearly three quarters had taken part in competitive sport in school (74%), whilst a third had taken part outside school (34%). There have been no significant changes recorded in these figures since 2011/12, which was the first full year this question was asked.
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4 years ago  
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