In April 2014, Substance began a two-year evaluation of the satellite club initiative on behalf of Sport England. This is an executive summary of the final report from the research.

The objectives of this research project have been to measure and understand the impact of satellite clubs on the number of young people regularly participating in sport; to understand the sustainability of these impacts; to investigate what is driving impact; and to understand the contributions and value provided by different delivery partners. Based on a range of quantitative and qualitative data, the key aims of this report are to:

1. Measure if the satellite club initiative has been able to meet its key output targets (in relation to the numbers of clubs established and the numbers of participants attracted).

2. Determine the different types of young people who have been attracted to satellite clubs (in terms of their demographic profile and their previous experience of, and relationship with, sport).

3. Understand the impact of satellite clubs on participants in terms of both their relationship with sport and their frequency of engagement.

4. Establish a range of key success factors that can influence satellite clubs in the next stage of their development.


Last Update
8 years ago  