The Coppermile project, delivered at Douglas Eyre Sports Centre in Walthamstow, is a response to the childhood obesity crisis and builds on the pioneering work of Elaine Wylie and the Daily Mile project. This report outlines the process by which Coppermill Primary School and London Playing Fields Foundation worked together to create a culture of regular exercise, by allocating three blocks of 15 minute sessions within the school timetable for children to walk, jog or run on a 340m track. The core principles of the programme include:
- ensuring quick transition from classroom to track
- markers to allow pupils to monitor progress
- being fun and accessible by allowing choice of whether to walk, jog or run.

Key findings from the study include:
- The average distance run increased by 19%
- Average fitness percentile result increased from 37% to 64%
- A 67% reduction in children with low cardiorespiratory fitness and associated potential health risks

Last Update
4 years ago  
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