This document details how coaches can make their sessions more appealing to a wider audience of young people. Its suggestions include making the sessions:

1. Personalised - by fitting the lives of the young people, understanding their interests and goals and using sport to help achieve them, providing feedback and individual recognition of personality and external committments and involving them in session content. 

2. Inspiring - make activities different and unique, end the sessions positively, be passionate about your sport and help them develop personal and social skills.

3. Creative -  let young people make decisions through game play, problem solving, tasks promoting creativity and innovative thinking and praising those who try something new, even if they fail. 

4. Social - allow time before, during and after the session for chatting, encourage the organisation of social events, use buddies, understand individual interests so you can promote the formation of new friendships, celebrate special occasions within sessions and create opportunities for development of leadership skills. 

5. Interactive - incorporate technology using social media, relevant sport and fitness apps and youtube.

6. Rewarding - reward committment, improvement, effort. Provide incentives, rewards and recognition and help them identify their own internal motivators. 

Last Update
4 years ago  
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