In January 2019, StreetGames launched the London Safer Together Through Sport (STTS) programme across six London boroughs. Funded by The Mayor of London, STTS was aimed at engaging and retaining young people in identified ‘hotspot areas’, providing them with a range of positive activities that would both prevent and deter them from becoming involved in youth crime, gang activity and/or entering the youth justice system. The activities were provided by the six locally trusted organisations (LTOs) in the StreetGames network. 

This summary document shares the key findings from the programme, based on the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) data that was captured throughout. This data includes monitoring data, survey data and case study interviews undertaken with a sample of young people, coaches and leaders. 

Findings point to the positive impact that the involvement of LTO’s had on young individuals around London. Ensuring the programme was designed and implemented in line with the 10 Ingredients for Effective Programme Planning, StreetGames record the positive direct impact that programmes had on ‘at-risk’ children, both mentally and physically.

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4 years ago  